Monday, October 5, 2009


So I'm sitting in class now testing out my new iPod app and I have to ask why. Why is it that every semester I always seem to get a professor or two that I cannot understand no matter how hard I try? It makes the class unnecessarily difficult and is really frustrating (like to the point where I just want to stand up and say can you please LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH). Am I the only one? Or does this happen to you too? Let me know your experiences with professors by commenting below.

1 comment:

brooke said...

so im in physics and no matter how hard i study and how much i read and no matter how much i pay attention in class... it just does not click at all with me. and i found out that im in the harder version of physics that penn state offers and i could have taken the easier one...but now its too late. physics is the tallest brick wall i have ever encountered